100% Made in Singapore

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Do people deserved to rot in hell if they happen to point out a fact that happens to be the hurtful truth.
I have a colleague that is about 24 years old in another department. One day, I happen to went down to her department to pass some documents to her colleague. She took a brochure out of her drawer and ask me if I’m interested to buy Tupperware. I ask her if she join the selling department of the Tupperware company and she said yes…
I ask her why she join as it’s not easy selling Tupperware. It’s only for people who had a wider social circle that consist of both old people and young people. They have more customer base..
After that incident, whenever I happen to pass by her in the corridor, I tried to say hi. She didn’t seem to see me. I did not link both together until today when I pass her and she still didn’t see me. I reach out my hand to get her a pat on the shoulder and she just keeps walking. It was then when I realized that it’s not that she just happen to miss me. It’s because that she’s angry with me.
From what I know, you can always get a Tupperware sale from people who are married or taking care of a family. As they will think of how they can make use of the Tupperware to store their food. Young people will leave these chores to their parents.
There is a saying by the Chinese which goes like this 忠言逆耳,The honest talk is offensive to the ear。But if she ignore me, I ignore her too… no harm… 哼!


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